About Me

Hi, I am Weikai (Vica) Yang (杨维铠), an Assistant Professor at the Data Science and Analytics Thrust (DSA), and jointly appointed at the Computational Media and Arts Thrust (CMA) in Information Hub, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I received my Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2024, under the supervision of Prof. Shixia Liu.

My research primarily focuses on the intersections between visual analysis and machine learning. The goal is to help general users understand large-scale data and utilize machine learning models more effectively and efficiently by incorporating their knowledge and feedback. Specifically, my research directions include VIS4AI, AI4VIS, human-AI collaboration, intelligent data analysis, and active learning.

I am actively seeking self-motivated Ph.D. students and RAs (Click Here!). If you are interested in working with me, please send an email with your CV and transcripts for all degrees. You may consider taking a look at our spotlight paper Foundation Models Meet Visualizations: Challenges and Opportunities, which covers many future research directions I would like to explore.


Enhancing Single Frame Supervision for Better Temporal Action Localization

Changjian Chen; Jiashu Chen; Weikai Yang; Haoze Wang; Johannes Knittel; Xibin Zhao; Steffen Koch; Thomas Ertl; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024

Interactive Reweighting for Mitigating Label Quality Issues

Weikai Yang; Yukai Guo; Jing Wu; Zheng Wang; Lan-Zhe Guo; Yu-Feng Li; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024

Foundation Models Meet Visualizations: Challenges and Opportunities

Weikai Yang; Mengchen Liu; Zheng Wang; Shixia Liu.

CVMComputational Visual Media. 2024 (spotlight paper)

Cluster Aware Grid Layout

Yuxing Zhou*; Weikai Yang*; Jiashu Chen; Changjian Chen; Zhiyang Shen; Xiaonan Luo; Lingyun Yu; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024.

A Survey of Visual Analytics Research for Improving Training Data Quality (in Chinese)

Weikai Yang; Changjian Chen; Jiangning Zhu; Lei Li; Peng Liu; Shixia Liu.

JCADCCF Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. 2023.

Diagnosing Ensemble Few-Shot Classifiers

Weikai Yang; Xi Ye; Xingxing Zhang; Lanxi Xiao; Jiazhi Xia; Zhongyuan Wang; Jun Zhu; Hanspeter Pfister; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2022.

A Unified Understanding of Deep NLP Models for Text Classification

Zhen Li; Xiting Wang; Weikai Yang; Jing Wu; Zhengyan Zhang; Zhiyuan Liu; Maosong Sun; Hui Zhang; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2022.

Interactive Steering of Hierarchical Clustering

Weikai Yang; Xiting Wang; Jie Lu; Wenwen Dou; Shixia Liu.

TVCGIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2021.

Diagnosing Concept Drift with Visual Analytics

Weikai Yang; Zhen Li; Mengchen Liu; Yafeng Lu; Kelei Cao; Ross Maciejewski; Shixia Liu.

VASTIEEE Visualization Conference (VAST). 2020.

Why AI Fails: Parallax

Lanxi Xiao; Weikai Yang; Haoze Wang; Shixia Liu; Qiong Wu.

XAIxArtsThe International Workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts at the ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference. 2023.

Why AI Fails: Shortcut

Lanxi Xiao; Weikai Yang; Haoze Wang; Shixia Liu; Qiong Wu.

XAIxArtsThe International Workshop on eXplainable AI for the Arts at the ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference. 2023.


  • [Apr. 2024] On Data-Centric Visual Analytics for Machine Learning @ HKUST
  • [Apr. 2024] On Data-Centric Visual Analytics for Machine Learning @ HKUST-GZ Link
  • [Nov. 2023] On Sample Representativeness-based Visual Analytics for Analyzing and Improving Model Performance @ The China-R Conference Link Slide Video

Selected Awards

  • 2024 Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award of Tsinghua University
  • 2024 Outstanding Graduate of Tsinghua University (5%) and Beijing (10%)
  • 2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of Tsinghua University
  • 2019 Outstanding Undergraduate of Tsinghua University (2%) and Beijing (5%)
  • 2017 Qualcomm Scholarship
  • 2017 National Scholarship (1%)


  • 2023.12
    • Our paper “Interactive Reweighting for Mitigating Label Quality Issues” was accepted by IEEE TVCG.
    • Our paper “Enhancing Single-Frame Supervision for Better Temporal Action Localization” was accepted by IEEE PacificVis 2024 TVCG journal track.
  • 2023.11
    • Our paper “Foundation Models Meet Visualizations: Challenges and Opportunities” was accepted by CVMJ.
    • Our paper “Visual Analytics Research for Improving Training Data Quality” was accepted by CCF JCAD.
  • 2023.06
    • Our paper “Cluster-Aware Grid Layout” was accepted by IEEE VIS 2023.
    • Our paper “A Unified Interactive Model Evaluation for Classification, Object Detection, and Instance Segmentation in Computer Vision” was accepted by IEEE VIS 2023.
    • Our paper “Visual Analytics Research for Improving Training Data Quality” was accepted by CCF CAD/CG 2023.
  • 2022.06
    • Our paper “Diagnosing Ensemble Few-Shot Classifiers” was accepted by IEEE TVCG.
    • Our paper “A Unified Understanding of Deep NLP Models for Text Classification” was accepted by IEEE TVCG.
    • Our paper “The More, The Better? Active Silencing of Non-Positive Transfer for Efficient Multi-Domain Few-Shot Classification” was accepted by ACM MM.
  • 2021.10
    • Passed the Ph.D. qualifying exam.
  • 2021.09
    • Enrolled into School of Software, Tsinghua University as a Ph.D. student.
    • Advised by Prof. Shixia Liu.
  • 2020.09
    • Our paper “Concept Drift with Visual Analytics” was accepted by IEEE VAST 2020.
  • 2020.08
    • Our paper “A Survey of Visual Analytics Techniques for Machine Learning” was accepted by Springer CVM.
  • 2020.05
    • Our paper “Interactive Steering of Hierarchical Clustering” was accepted by IEEE TVCG.
  • 2019.08
    • Enrolled into School of Software, Tsinghua University as a master student.
    • Advised by Prof. Shixia Liu.
  • 2019.07
    • Graduated from Tsinghua University as a Bachelor in Engineering.
    • Bachelor thesis: Constrained Hierarchical Clustering and Interactive Steering Techniques.
  • 2018.02
    • Joined CG&CAD Lab, School of Software, Tsinghua University.
    • Started research about visual analytics.
    • Advised by Prof. Shixia Liu.
  • 2016.06
    • Transferred to School of Software, Tsinghua University.
  • 2015.09
    • Enrolled into Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University as a bachelor student.
  • 2012.09 - 2015.07
    • Highschool student at Affiliated High School of South China Normal University.


  • PC Member
    • AAAI (2023-2024)
  • Conference Reviewer
    • IEEE VIS (2021-2024)
    • PacificVis (2022-2024)
    • ChinaVis (2020-2023)
    • IUI (2024)
  • Journal Reviewer
    • IEEE TVCG (2022-)
    • Visual Informatics (2022-)
  • Student Volunteer: IEEE VIS (2020, 2022, 2023)
  • Teaching Assistantships
    • Discrete Mathematics I: Mathematical Logic and Set Theory (Fall, 2019-2024)
    • Discrete Mathematics II: Graph Theory and Abstract Algebra (Spring, 2019-2024)
    • Information Visualization and Visual Analytics (Fall, 2020-2024)
